

品牌: 合创首信
单价: 10.00元/套
起订: 1 套
供货总量: 1000 套
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 广东 深圳市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2018-07-12 10:14


☆ 全工業級選料制造,完全能適應公交車上特殊環境使用。密封、防塵、防水;防震和防電磁幹擾。
☆ 非接觸式讀寫操作、使用方便、簡單、抗幹擾性強,讀卡聲光顯示、余額顯示;
☆ 專用dc對dc穩壓電源,由8-48v車載特殊電壓轉換成12v穩定電壓,並有過電壓保護,
☆ 支持多種優惠卡類設定和真人語音提示.如:學生卡,老人卡,職工卡等.
☆ 允許出錯率小于1/10萬使用次數。
☆ 讀卡時間≤0.3秒,能大大提高上車速度.
☆ 車載機儲存24570條明細交易記錄。
☆ 卡中余額少于設定金額自動語音提示;
☆ 車載機用數碼管、燈光和聲音來發出各種提示/語音提示.
☆ 車載機內儲存的數據停電不丟失保護.
☆ 專用手持式數據采集器,單次可采集60000條交易記錄.
☆ 發卡容量:9999萬張.
☆ 用卡即時記錄查詢20條(滾動式),以防出現乘車付費的糾紛
☆ 附帶司機上下班考勤功能
☆ 系統管理軟件分多級不同權限管理,保障高度安全運作。壹級:管理員,二級:操作員,三級:普通查詢、挂失、解挂、修改密碼。
顯示方式: led顯示
工作電壓: dc12v,24v
功率損耗:靜態:≤10 w 動態:≤15 w
通訊接口: rs232
燈光提示: 紅、綠發光二極管
聲響提示:蜂鳴器 / 語音
Our company's technology is the earliest and most mature technology in China.
Functions and features of the car:
It can be used in the special environment of the bus. Seal, dustproof, waterproof; Shockproof and anti-electromagnetic interference.
Non-contact reading and writing operation, easy to use, simple, anti-interference, reading card audio and light display, balance display;
The special dc power supply for dc is converted from 8-48v special voltage to 12v stable voltage with overvoltage protection.
It supports a variety of preferential card sets and real voice prompts. For example: student card, old card, employee card, etc.
It allows the error rate to be less than 1/100,000.
The time of reading card is less than 0.3 seconds, which can greatly improve the speed of boarding.
The onboard machine stores 24,570 detailed transaction records.
The balance in the card is less than the set amount automatic voice prompt;
Use digital tube, light and sound to send out various prompts/voice prompts.
There is no loss of protection for data stored in the car.
The special handheld data collector can collect 60000 transaction records in a single time.
Capacity: 99.99m.
In order to avoid the hassle of paying for the car, we use the card real-time record to check 20 (rolling).
It is accompanied by the driver's attendance function.
The system management software is divided into multiple levels of authority management, which ensures high security operation. Grade 1: administrator, level 2: operator, level 3: ordinary query, loss, solution hang, change password.
The main parameters of the car charger.
External dimensions: 195x151x48mm.
Read and write time: no more than 0.3 seconds.
Display mode: led display.
Shell material: engineering plastics.
Read card distance: 0~50mm.
Working frequency: 13.56m.
Working voltage: dc12v, 24v.
Power loss: static: no more than 10 w dynamic: no more than 15 w.
Working temperature: - 10 ℃ ~ 60 ℃
Storage temperature: - 20 ℃ ~ 70 ℃
Communication interface: rs232.
Light tip: red, green led.
Sound tip: buzzer/voice.
Working mode: single mode.
Data capacity: 24,570 details are stored in the charging machine when offline.


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